New Years Day 07, so a new saga begins...
Lady Zen had to work today, so I was left to my own means for the day. After breakfast, meditation, computer I figured on getting some sailing in, rain or shine, hot or cold. The weather report in the morning was 39 degree with a high of 56. Brrr I'm thinking. Layers layers layers. So I start dressing, silk long johns, turtle neck, Sweats and my heavy zen pullerover with hood. I'm ready. The sky is beautiful, sunny , with small clouds here and there. However I'm thinkning cold. I head outside and started to sweat in all I had on. Change of plans, I take off the turtle neck thinkning it will still be cool at the marina and out on the water. Wrong!!
It was still warm down at the marina. Wonderful weather, almost spring like. I'm going to REALLY miss Cal weather when I get to Japan. Anyway... I'm doing a couple things down at the marina and have to come out of the Long Johns top at least. It is so warm in the sun, I'm baking!

ok so, the weather is great for sailing except for one thing. No wind! Zip, nada!
At least not enough to move a flag much less my boat. C'est la Vie!
Mirror like water
reflecting images clear
I sit still no wind
Ok, like water I mold to the container and flow on to something else. Check out my sail inventory. One is a good working sail, good to keep as a backup. The genoa, is good, but since I plan on staying roller, I'll sell it, along with some of the unused things out of storge I cleaned up over the holiday vacation. It will balance some of the holiday spending done. Like on my new to me Mac laptop. sweet!

Next things replace a broken lock hasp on deck and pull some bulbs to replace with LED's. Then on to adding cable covers on the shourds(sp). That was a pain, not really easy to do, simple yes, easy no. I need to pickup a couple more. Surprisenly cheaper at W. M. than on-line, what a shock!
So a few misc things get put away, I relax on the water a bit just taking in the New Year and being thankful.
New Years night at home:
Lady Zen is fixing something, traditionally Japanese for dinner. Something light and somewhat simple as we are not suppose to have a large celibration, since it has been less than one year since the passing of my Father-in-law.

We have a simple New year arrangement, the traditonal bamboo flower arrangement, purchased in Japan last year. We also have the family ceramonial New Years sake set, which she brought back last year. It belonged to her father. Interestingly I got to use it the first time I visited and met her parents in Japan. It was just after New Years so it was still in keeping for them to do the ceramony with me. Little did we know it would be the last time with her father. You never know what the tide will bring...
I have decided to start another blog , for those interested. This one will be on Wordpress. I wanted to try them out, to see what is the difference. I see one thing there is a limit to 50 megs, unless you pay oh that is for pictures I guess. So I'm give that some thought later if it is worth it. I like that I can export my blogs and save them. So if I ever wanted to write a book, I 'd have simple access to all my post. This new blog will be different from this one, as it will not be connected to sailing, but to our other stuff. Maybe later I will move everything there...maybe and have two blogs there...maybe Anyway it is called "
One if by land , Two if by Sea". I really started it on
Yahoo 360, but I did not like it to much, only one picture can be posted , I found it too limiting. The link is on the side bar if you wish to visit and read some other stuff we do beside sailing. eg: Kung fu, the band, Zen center visits, stuff. The link will be changed later to go direct to the
Wordpress location. For now it link to 360 yahoo.
Lots of stuff planned for this year. Not resolutions, I do not do that. Just plan and do if the force is with me.
Haul s/v zen for bottom paint
Fix head to operate
Go see Tako Drummers from Japan- Feb
We are HOPEING sis and brother in law come to visit from Japan

Mother will come later in the year
Do ASA Bareboat course ( April)
Finish BCC teacher level
Get USCG 6 pack license. ( that is a big deal and fairly costly)
Sail down to Alameda for an overnighter
Sail to Angel island. maybe an overnighter
Sail out pass Golden Gate
Fly to Hawaii
Fly to Japan in Oct -

Well I've got 12 months to cover it all, so lets rock...