One if by land, Two if by Sea.
With the new Solar Year, the upcoming New Lunar year of the Boar, and the prestigious admission to the world renown Tillerman's top ten list. I have decided as some good TV shows have in the past to end this blog on a high note. Yes, sad but true. Zensekai is sailing on...
The good news is....
I have gone to a new and better port. ( please hold the applause until the end, thank you)
Yes. I had been thinking of it for a while. Blogger was a good testing ground, kind of like my first boat. I have now grown. Not so much readers and such but in needs. You could say 3 ft itist, but for a blog. I have been seduced and have succumbed to the charms of Wordpress.
Why , why you may ask. Well, I'll tell you.
I like the features, the flexible add and subtract layouts. I like the control & ease I have over picture placement. One on the main things is a can download my blog to a text file for later use in a book or whatever show I chose to do so. I cannot do that here at blogger. :-(
Saddly I did not find out until after I had switch to new blogger I could have imported this blog over to Wordpress, but only with the OLD version not this New improved version. C'est La Vie, mes ami.
So what is up with the new blog you may wonder...
wonder no longer.
I like the "One if by land two if by Sea" phrase so much it is the theme on the new blog(s)
Zen's Sekai I -
Deals with the land adventures of Lady Z & myself. Trips, the band, friends, Zen, philosophy, Kung Fu, Photography, Japan, family, etc, whatever.
Zensekai II -
Is as was here about s/v Zen and our water adventures, training, & preparation, Sailing, thoughts, Philosophy and water related musings.
Get it: I if by land , II if by Sea... Kawaii ne! (cute!)
All the sailing links have been transfered. So if you were here you are there.
The other links are still being completed on Zensekai-I. Some are there others I am still switching. It takes taime I have to do it manually
If you have been kind enough to give me a link on your site please change it.
Thanks !
I will keep this blog up as long as Blogger will let it stay as a road marker and historic site for those that follow.
Please come to visit. Douzo Yoroshiku!
Ja Mata ne! ( later dude)
Fair winds...
Zen and Crew
At 9:43 AM,
guavajelly said…
Konnichiwa! Someone recently directed me to your blog. I look forward to reading some of your musings and thoughts about sailing. I'm blackanese, my husband is Cubano and we have a Cublanese boy. We're getting ready to purchase a boat and liveaboard and eventually go cruising in a few years.
I'm telling ya--I was super psyched to see another brown person into boating. I'm really new to this world so it's very inspiring, especially since there are not that many of us out there into water living/sports. Thanks for your blog!
At 10:16 AM,
Zen said…
We should talk, please get in touch.
At 2:04 PM,
guavajelly said…
Been reading more of your blog...excellent insight. I hope our families can meet since we are so close! Mata ne...
At 3:19 AM,
sailing games said…
Thanks for the blog, very good insight and so much enticing to those who take sailing as a game.
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