Islander 29- Part II

There is a right way and wrong way to do & ask things. Put another way a courteous and a dis-courteous way.
As a instructor of Chinese Martial Arts, I am use to a certain level of respect, and manners. I do not tend to make a big deal out it when it is not up to a standard, I'm pretty low key. My parents taught me good manners, my Japanese Karate Sensei taught me more, my Chinese Sifus taught me more. So now when I speak to people I am generally polite, and respectful it gets me great respect when in Japan & other Asian places as well as here in the States.
Now I know that the level of respect and politeness here in the states is different. Lady Zen is often shocked how causal people, strangers speak to each other. I am generally ok, with it, I was raised here and do not expect much. However...
Maybe it is my age that combined with my training makes me sensitive at times.
What does this have to do with an I-29...?
Well, the search engines, google, yahoo, ask, etc find this blog and someone looking for info on an I-29 ( islander 29) will come across this, as may have been the case in the past, and will be again.
This is for them.
I am more than happy to pass along any info or contacts I have on the I-29. I was helped , I will help others. HOWEVER. show some class, some manners, some style, some courtesy.
Start your inquiry with, a salutation eg:
hello, greetings, dear sir, hi, yo, sup, bonjourno, something polite.
I am so and so...
End your inquiry with : thank you
Do not just start off with what you want, eg: I need such in such.
signed; so and so.
Not good! rude! Impolite, uncool, I will ignore you. I am not a parts dealer or paid consultant.
show some class...
Now back to our regular scheduled programming ...
At 8:17 PM,
Overboard said…
Bet you bite your fork, though.
At 11:27 PM,
Zen said…
That is why I use chopsticks!
At 12:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Zen,
It's me James Lane from the S.V. Sapien I just read the comment you left on my wordpress blog. Thank you for your feedback and yes; I greatly enjoyed that Delta Adventure! So much so that the Oakland CBC is pooling their funds to fly me back out there next summer (2007) to do it again. My wife and I just completed a 20 day sail to the Big Island of Hawaii in October of '06 and will continue our global circumnavigation as soon as we are convinced that there is nothing left to discover in this wonderful place, Hawaii. We were in the S.F.Bay Area for almost five years discovering cool things and it just might take that long here...
Anyway, fairwinds, et-cet on your up-n-coming Japan adventure and please keep us up on your adventures.
Thanks again,
James Lane
S.V. Sapien
Gulf 32
Hilo, Hawaii
At 9:03 PM,
Liz said…
Hi MR !!! Zen (and Mrs. too)
I'm just one of Maria's hangers oners. Nice to meet you !!
I hear ya about the respect factor though.
I mean how hard is it to be sukoshi politu ??????
Mata ne
Oh NO!!!!! WV here we go. Me eyes ain't what they used to be :-))
At 9:05 PM,
Liz said…
PS Took me three times to get it right.
OK here we go again...............
At 6:02 PM,
Unknown said…
hi- i just wanted to get in touch as i am the new owner of a 1966 i29, 'wayward sun'. i've looked at your blogs a few times now and i guess the best way to get in touch is from leaving you a comment. anyways i just wanted to say thanks, some of your information compiling helped sway my decision on the acquisition and i am very happy. i am relatively new to sailing as well as restorations but i hope to have the wayward sun looking as nice as your zen does sometime in the near(?) future. i'm up in portland oregon myself, and if you end up arranging any meetings or further website info i'd be into hearing about it- i recently spotted another i-29 at my moorage and i'm going to have to go say hi as well. thanks for your time,
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