Zensekai (zen's world under sail)

The sailing adventures of s/v Zen and crew

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Inner sailing

Just before Christmas we went to Japantown. We needed to do a little shopping.

I needed a string for my Shamisen, a restocking of our incense supply, Saki, etc.

I also picked up a book on sailing in Japanese, so the Lady Zen can learn comfortably and understand. I ordered this from Japan via the Japanese book store here. It is called “Inner Sailing”, the name sounded intriguing, maybe I am just reading more into it, since it is written by a Zen Master. It is the ASA official book used in Japan. From the illustrations inside it looks pretty straight forward sailing basics.

Whilst there in J-town we went to one of those floating boat sushi bar places.

Lady Z thought it would be like Japan cheap. It was not!

Although not great, it was not bad. Next time we'll go to our regular noodle shop, which is ichiban!!!


  • At 6:12 AM, Blogger Tillerman said…

    Hey - someone beat me to that Inner Sailing idea!

    I've long been an admirer of Tim Gallwey's Inner Game of Tennis (and other spin-off books on the same theme) but as far as I knew nobody yet had written a book on the Inner Game of Sailing. And if I ever wrote a sailing book it would probably have been on that topic.


  • At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    FYI, there's an Isobune in Oakland too, down on College Avenue in the Rockridge district. Not bad but my daughter loves it for the boats.

  • At 7:40 AM, Blogger Norman said…

    Any chance of a review on your new Japanese book, Inner Sailing. As a fellow sailer the title strikes me. Norman s/v Anya

  • At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The title was one of a few suggestions I made to the author as he wrote his text. If you have a first edition you will note that I am listed on the credits page. I dropped off soon after publication. Indeed, the title came to me as a reader of Inner Skiing and an appreciation that the author is, in fact, a Zen Master. At that time he put is principles of Zen to the tiller.
    As for a review, it is pretty straight forward. It was written to cover ASA's learning objectives for Basic Keel Boat Certification. Inner Sailing II covers the objectives for Basic Coastal Cruising.

  • At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a lovely boat that one in the picture is! Hmm... Would love to have my own boat someday. In fact, as early as now (though my own boat is still a dream) I am doing several researches on where to get great boat supplies if ever i would upgrade my (imaginary) boat. Haha!

    Great blog by the way. Cheers!

  • At 7:24 PM, Anonymous bloc hornet said…

    I've always wanted to try sushi, agree with the above posted who said we need a review of that book!


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