It was a clear day; looking out on the lanai I could see there was some wind. Not much but some. More than yesterday, so things were looking up. The forecast said 8 mph winds.
We were waiting for the Tokyo/Monterey (we’ll call them AE & Sakura) delegation to arrive.
We got the arrival call just shortly after 11:00, perfect.
After getting them in, and the greetings thing done, I checked with the Benicia Marina for docking space, which turned out to be a no-go. Bummer! Oh well Chisai koto ( no biggie)
Plan B was to go to Glen Cove. However with light winds, and Glen Cove itself although cute was not as interesting as Benicia for out of towner’s first visit. time for plan C
We head off to the Japanese market, pickup a light lunch, sushi roll, Inari, some plums, pack some wine. They grab some things to take home since Monterey does not have a Nippon Market. So the Sakura from Tokyo is happy to get some home food.
Then off we head to the marina.
Down at s/v Zen we unpack and setup for lunch.

Some wine and sushi and floating puts everyone in relaxed mode.
The weather was perfect at the marina, cooler than inland but very comfortable.
Afterwards we prep for a sail. Since there is not much wind and already getting on with the tide timing the plan is to just sail around. Before that though I wanted to get my line setup for burgees flags. I volunteered the Lady Zen since she is the smallest. She was not too pleased about it, but went along with the plan after I explained it to her a couple of times.

It went smoothly; afterward she said it was not too high after all. Now I have my string up so I can host the SailJapan Burgee. I thought it was in keeping with the Kobe /Tokyo connection aboard today.

Later I will pull through a heavier line for the burgees, which will include, SailJapan,, This Old Boat, & International Yacht Club.
Side note I am now the Vice-Commodore of the International Yacht Club. Sounds impressive it not? Over 75 members…. It is an on-line group, but maybe I’ll check into to getting some real time affiliations.
Off we head out of the marina, a small mishap on launch as the docking line catches and hangs us up. We free the line but come out of the slip at a very bad angle, but we make it and off we go.

Winds are very light, so mostly we are just above a drift rate. Very relaxing and pleasant going. We have some tunes going and chit chat.
Sakura feels the need to nap, as the sun, and wine fully kick in. It is nice cruise we make slow time but soon we are over at the Benicia entrance, I swing around and head away an over to Seal Buoy.

Today as most nice days there were couple of sleeping big guys napping.
After a few more turns around the area we head in under power as the wind by this time was

almost nothing again with a glass-like surface.
A smooth docking back at
the slip and we are done.

A bit of a photo op and we are off.
We take a quick sighting drive through Walnut Creek downtown for our guest and we head home.
Lady Zen prepares dinner, sushi, spring rolls, salad, and garlic rice.

I break out some Sake brought back from Kobe, smooooooooth, fresh taste MMmmmmm

We settle in for the evening with a game of Mahjong. The Nippon ladies hold the victories on

the round. Lady Zen wins 1 hand with Sakura taking 3 hands. No fair, AE & I are wearing the
clothes, drinking the drink and they are winning, wazz up with that!!!
Part II the next day.
Lady Zen has to work, so I am up early fixing breakfast for the team. Sausage links (veggie for me) fried apples, Fried potatoes with onions and peppers, corn bread and Spanish omelets, with Mimosas to wash it down.
I take the crew,

less Lady Zen to Berkeley to the
Berkeley flea market, one of my favorite stops there.

We hang out, AE gets a massage, afterward we chat with the soap lady who gives us the run down on her soaps, gels and bath salts.

We purchase a few and she gets a small interview for the podcast. After a few other booth stops we are off to Tokyo Fish Market which, turns out to be closed. Bummer!!!
Next stop, Jack London Square. We stop at a few farmers market booths, check out some art, head over to World import and Bed, Bath & Beyond.

On the way back it is a Ben and Jerry Break from there a stroll back to the car, taking in the autumn
We head up into the Berkeley hills on the way back to Home Base. I show them one of the best view spots of the area.

From the vista we see, Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, Marin, and Alameda. The fog was in and heavy, but it made the view in way more interesting.
So finally stop on the way in is Jo’s Sushi Bar in Pleasant Hill. The best Sushi place Lady Zen & I have found in our area.

There we have a light dinner of OSHII sushi, some misc chit and chat and joshing with the waitresses. Sakura is pleased with the taste, and AE is impressed with the Chief’s skill level. Next time it is at the bar with a bottle of Sake.
So ends a much needed playtime weekend for all. Now is the time to study down for my up coming test in two weeks!!!! Recess is over.